September 2016

how to unlock EOObjectStoreCoordinator

Dr. Optimistic Locking

Or How I learned to stop worrying and lock the EOObjectStoreCoordinator So those of you who read the WebObjects Developer mailing list know I’m a bit obsessed about concurrency issues. Namely concurrent data write operations, specially when you have lots of derived data on the database due to performance issues. A few months ago, I […]

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how to Migrating to Leopard Server

Migrating to Leopard Server

This was it. I spent the weekend migrating GAEL‘s Xserve to Leopard Server. It all went well, although some more or less serious issues poped up. Our server is used mainly for hosting web content and applications (php, perl, and of course, WebObjects). It also handles some Subversion repositories and some other minor stuff. I

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