Profiling WebObjects applications

Profiling WebObjects applications

Recently I had to profile a WO application for memory leaks (more exactly, unintentional retention of objects that prevented them from being garbage-collected). Some quick notes:

  • Eclipse TPTP will not work on Mac OS X. Period. Although Eclipse allows you to install it without complaining, it does not work at all.
  • I found this nice article about profiling and trouble-shooting in Java. Page 37 describes how to do what I initially wanted, although I didn’t need to get that far.
  • There are a lot of nice tools to help you peek inside the environment of your Java applications right there on your hard drive. I used jconsole. It’s really easy to use. First, add the VM option when launching the application. On Eclipse, this would be the “VM Arguments” in the “Arguments” tab of the Run Panel. Second, just open a terminal and write “jconsole”. Attach to the running app, and have fun.
  • Instruments (aka xRay) on Leopard has only one Java instrument, Java Threads. It appears to be almost useless on Java profiling. Yet another reason to stay on Tiger for now.